The Samkalpa Sessions - Saturday August 17, 2024
3:00 PM15:00

The Samkalpa Sessions - Saturday August 17, 2024

Samkalpa ( pronounced Sun-kalpa ) simply means intention.

And I’ve been finding more and more that establishing a clear intention for every spell of time I spend in practice helps keep me focused and present for whatever arises.

Intention, I find, is well supported by the use of Mudra.  Placing the hands this way or that may seem superfluous until you start working with it regularly. Each time you form the specific shape with your hands in practice you’re reminded of the intention you set at the start of the session. You plug right into it and consequently Mudra is a great tool to keep you present and clear of distraction. And energetically, the five elements of the body are harnessed in finger placement to support intention.

The use of sound is also a powerful tool to lean into different chakras to assist that immersion in intention. I have returned to sound personally after a spell in the wilderness of a kooky little hearing issue. Music was an integral part of my upbringing and it’s use in healing and supporting wellness can be quite profound. It feels like coming home to be integrating my voice in mantra and using crystal bowls and other beautiful elements of sound into my sessions.

The Saturday afternoon sessions will start with Yin-spired gentle movement interlaced with Mudra, followed by a restorative Yoga Nidra meditation,  layered with sung mantra and sound vibrations, bringing together all the elements that I know affect all the Koshas, the layers of our being so deeply. We will weave heartfelt intention into the entire practice.

The Samkalpa Sessions run from 3pm til 5pm. Lots of time to really become really immersed in your practice.

Each session works with chakra energy specific to what is relevant at that time, and the elements of mudra and mantra will be tailored accordingly and threaded through the session.

The next Samkalpa Session is on Saturday 17 August 2024 and it is $50 for the two hour classes at Soulspace, Wonthaggi. There are limited places available.

Book via The Yoga Stylist

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Yoga for Perimenopause, Menopause and The Great Beyond with Annebelle
1:00 PM13:00

Yoga for Perimenopause, Menopause and The Great Beyond with Annebelle

Yoga for Perimenopause, Menopause & The Great Beyond. At Soulspace on Saturday July 27, 1 pm - 430pm. Book via The Yoga Stylist

This is about more than a hot flash. From our forties to our sixties and beyond we are in a position to affect the way we move through the tricky road of mid-life by focusing on what we can address, and yoga has so much to offer to do just that.

Yoga for Perimenopause, Menopause & The Great Beyond is a three and a half hour workshop offering you simple and practical tools and ideas to support yourself through this time in your life. Because what we do now has an impact on the present, and also on the way we will be in our senior years.

And I for one intend to hold onto my vitality, my independence and my well-being. My Great Beyond will be just that. Great.

As a fifty-seven year old woman, I am very intentional about how I show up for myself. I wish I knew what I know now when I was forty. In fact I wish I knew it when I was thirty. But wishing isn’t helpful. Positive, pro-ageing choices and actions are!

In the workshop I will offer gentle and specific movement tailored to the experience of the menopause transition, as well as breath work, self-soothing practices and meditation. Self-compassion, humour and connection can be so powerful to navigate the challenges we face with grace.

There will be kinship with like hearted women, a sharing circle in which you can offer your experience and insights or remain quiet if you prefer, and just actively listen with an open heart.

To close the session there will be herbal tea, a blend that is exactly what we need right now!… and yummy healthy treats.

I hope you’ll join me for this curated workshop on Saturday 27 July at Soulspace. It’s $110 for the three and a half hour workshop.

All participants will also leave with a Fern & Frost organic linseed filled eye pillow, to continue the practice of relaxation and self-care at home.

I’m looking forward to moving through the transition towards The Great Beyond with you.

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Warm Heart Community Event
3:00 PM15:00

Warm Heart Community Event

  • 17 Korumburra Road Wonthaggi, VIC, 3995 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Ianthe, Kirsty and Renee for a soul nourishing day at soulspace.

Move Mindfully: Begin the afternoon by moving your body with intention and presence. Our facilitators will guide you through gentle poses and mindful practices that allow you to tune in to the wisdom of your body and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness.

Be Playful: Rediscover the joy of playfulness as you engage in interactive and lighthearted somatic activities designed to uplift your spirit. Let go of inhibitions, embrace your inner child, and create a space for laughter and connection.

Reflect Inwards: Take a moment to pause and reflect inwards. Through guided meditations and contemplative practices, you'll have the opportunity to reconnect with your inner wisdom, find clarity, and cultivate a sense of peace and stillness.

Connect to the Breath: Explore the power of the breath as a tool for grounding, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Discover techniques that will help you access a state of calm and balance, allowing you to tap into the present moment and cultivate a deep sense of connection.

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Samkalpa Sessions with Annebelle
4:00 PM16:00

Samkalpa Sessions with Annebelle

  • 17 Korumburra Road Wonthaggi, VIC, 3995 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The monthly Samkalpa Sessions led by Annebelle van Tongeren are two hours of soul-nourishing yoga practice immersed in clear intention, supporting the five Koshas, or layers of your being with gentle Yin-spired movement, interlaced with specific Mudra, followed by a Yoga Nidra Meditation layered with sung mantra and sound vibrations from brass and crystal singing bowls.

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Yin & the Goddesses with Annebelle
4:00 PM16:00

Yin & the Goddesses with Annebelle

The Goddesses of the Tantric pantheon have so much to share with us in the way of perspective and grace.

These special sessions with Annebelle van Tongeren, weave the mythology of each of the goddesses into all aspects of the class, from the gentle Yin asana to the Yoga Nidra, the sung mantras and the mudras we will work with. The stories of the goddesses help shine light on who we actually are, allowing us to connect with the qualities within ourselves that align with the Devis. The way we move forward in our lives can be supported with Goddess energy when we become familiar with the inspiration they offer.

The Saturday classes will run from 4pm til 530pm. Ninety minutes to soften, let go and deepen into your practice.

Yin and The Goddesses are available to be booked now via this booking page and they’re $33 per session. They will all be at Soulspace, Wonthaggi and there are limited places available.

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to Jun 6


Inverloch Yin & Pins : Restore Winter Stagnation and boost your immune system. A rejuvenating 2 hour yoga session to stimulate & restore.

Join yoga teacher Felicity O’Dea and experienced acupuncturist Louise Norton for a releasing and restoring Winter session of mediation, yin yoga, yoga nidra, aromatherapy, moxibustion and acupuncture.

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2:30 PM14:30


We are excited to announce that our next Kirtan gathering at Soulspace in on 


We are so grateful to have Swami Jayananda Saraswati leading our chants.

Chanting will begin from 2:30pm, finishing at 4:30pm.

You are invited to bring a plate of vegetarian food to share with others concluding the chanting. Whether your food is home made or purchased,  please create love, and an attitude of selfless service around your offering 💛 

To ensure we have enough space, please RSVP via registering your booking through the link listed below on MINDBODY

We look forward to sharing this experience with you.

Hari Aum’

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Y I N  &  G O N G S
4:30 PM16:30

Y I N & G O N G S


Let Luke Hiddle, Gong practitioner, take you on a journey that allows you to move beyond the boundaries of the mind by using the sounds of the Gong.

While the Gong can initiate and support healing independently, it is most effective when used with the practice of yoga.

Untitled design (6).png

Nikki’s Yin class will prepare your body by connecting you to your prana. Then relax into Savasana and let the sounds of the Gong wash over you to accelerate the therapeutic transformation of your Yin practice.

To book visit MINDBODY via the link below:

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6:30 PM18:30


Join Lauren for a heart-opening and deeply nourishing womens immersion. In this candlelit and warm sacred space, you will be welcomed to step into vulnerability and explore what self love looks and feels like.
This intimate and nude workshop will be an opportunity to experience the power of women sharing in circle together, meditation & embodied movement. It is an invitation to shed layers & masks, explore self love & body image, connect to our womb space and to be fully seen & heard.

On Saturday 27 March 2021 at 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Secure your tickets HERE

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2:00 PM14:00


Join yoga teacher Felicity O’Dea and experienced acupuncturist Louise Norton for a releasing and restoring Autumn session of mediation, yin yoga, yoga nidra, aromatherapy, moxibustion and acupuncture.

This rejuvenating two-hour session will help to stimulate chi (energy) and restore vitality with practises focused on the Lung & Large Intestine meridian pair.

Autumn is the beginning of the yin cycle and in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Autumn identifies with the metal element, which cultivates the movement of letting go and enriching ourselves, by pulling inward and finding meaning. We see this in nature - There is a slight nip in the air. The days are starting to get shorter. The body naturally wants to pare down, introvert and begin a season of focused energy. There is a radical shift that is almost palpable during autumn when the energy that previously flowed outward turns inward in preparation for the winter ahead. Autumn is the time to let go of unneeded energies from your life, like the leaves that die and let go of the tree limbs that were holding them.

Our lungs and large intestine are connected to this season through their purpose of purification and elimination. Through the breath, the lungs take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide and the large intestine absorbs water, nutrients and eliminates any waste. This Yin Yoga sequence and accompanying meditations, intention, acupressure and acupuncture allows us to let go of what no longer serves us, with the poses designed to gently open our chest and lungs as well as supporting digestion and promoting elimination.

You will emerge from this session feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. After the session you will be given some time to ease back into reality with the offering of a warming and soothing beverage (Choice of an Ayruvedic tonic of turmeric, ginger, lemon and honey or a Tonemade bone broth with extra ginger and turmeric).

Limited spaces available due to current restrictions so be sure to book so you don’t miss out!

*Please note unfortunately there are no refunds within 7 days available unless it is related to Covid-19 Lockdown restrictions. If you are unable to make it to the class you are welcome to gift your ticket to a friend or someone who needs it. Please let us know the attendees name ASAP. A full refund will be given for Covid-19 lockdown if event cannot go ahead due to restrictions.

We would appreciate if you can bring your own equipment: mat, block, bolster & blankets. Pillow cases x 2 to cover bolster if you don’t have your own.

If you are pregnant or have a health condition please let us know prior to attending.

Feel free to contact us on 0409166924/ 0409540738 if you have any questions.

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2:00 PM14:00


Join yoga teacher Felicity O’Dea and experienced acupuncturist Louise Norton for a releasing and restoring Autumn session of mediation, yin yoga, yoga nidra, aromatherapy, moxibustion and acupuncture.

This rejuvenating two-hour session will help to stimulate chi (energy) and restore vitality with practises focused on the Lung & Large Intestine meridian pair.

Autumn is the beginning of the yin cycle and in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Autumn identifies with the metal element, which cultivates the movement of letting go and enriching ourselves, by pulling inward and finding meaning. We see this in nature - There is a slight nip in the air. The days are starting to get shorter. The body naturally wants to pare down, introvert and begin a season of focused energy. There is a radical shift that is almost palpable during autumn when the energy that previously flowed outward turns inward in preparation for the winter ahead. Autumn is the time to let go of unneeded energies from your life, like the leaves that die and let go of the tree limbs that were holding them.

Our lungs and large intestine are connected to this season through their purpose of purification and elimination. Through the breath, the lungs take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide and the large intestine absorbs water, nutrients and eliminates any waste. This Yin Yoga sequence and accompanying meditations, intention, acupressure and acupuncture allows us to let go of what no longer serves us, with the poses designed to gently open our chest and lungs as well as supporting digestion and promoting elimination.

You will emerge from this session feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. After the session you will be given some time to ease back into reality with the offering of a warming and soothing beverage (Choice of an Ayruvedic tonic of turmeric, ginger, lemon and honey or a Tonemade bone broth with extra ginger and turmeric).

Limited spaces available due to current restrictions so be sure to book so you don’t miss out!

*Please note unfortunately there are no refunds within 7 days available unless it is related to Covid-19 Lockdown restrictions. If you are unable to make it to the class you are welcome to gift your ticket to a friend or someone who needs it. Please let us know the attendees name ASAP. A full refund will be given for Covid-19 lockdown if event cannot go ahead due to restrictions.

We would appreciate if you can bring your own equipment: mat, block, bolster & blankets. Pillow cases x 2 to cover bolster if you don’t have your own.

If you are pregnant or have a health condition please let us know prior to attending.

Feel free to contact us on 0409166924/ 0409540738 if you have any questions.

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2:00 PM14:00


KIRTAN (devotional chanting) will be guided by Swami Jayananda Saraswati. This is a donation based event (suggestion of a minimum of $10) You are invited to bring a vegetarian dish to share with the community present after chanting.
Please bring your own cushion for your own comfort, and feel free to bring your own instrument.

We kindly as you to reserve a spot to as we need to reserve a spot as we need to ensure we have space with our current COVID restrictions.
Bookings open from 10th of January HERE

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12:00 PM12:00


Join local mama, Celine Marli who is a qualified Social Worker Careers Counsellor. She is also the creator of the wonderful Restless Mama podcast.

Celine’s purpose is empowering mothers to embrace the change that parenthood brings and talk about it with complete honesty and integrity.

Being a mama isn't easy sometimes, it is hard work. This workshop is designed to empower you to find your unique balance in motherhood.

In this two-hour workshop we will cover:

- the transition into motherhood and what comes with that

- the importance of self-care and speaking up,

- marriage and relationship and how to maintain a healthy balance 

- career changes or career challenges that we face and how to overcome them

Also included are mindful exercises, a grounding meditation and a copy of Celine's book 'Happy Parents'. 

Cost : $40 plus booking fee
Click here to secure your spot in this workshop via the contact page.   

Please bring your own yoga mat, comfortable clothes and a blanket.

This workshop is designed for all mothers, particularly mums in early motherhood or mums to be.

Note: This is NOT a parenting workshop, it is primarily focused on a mother's mental health and wellbeing

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SOLD OUT! YIN & PINS with Louise Norton and Fliss O'Dea (Copy)
2:00 PM14:00

SOLD OUT! YIN & PINS with Louise Norton and Fliss O'Dea (Copy)


Yin & Pins Summer 2021. A 2 hour session of yin yoga combined with acupressure, moxibustion and acupuncture.

About this Event

Yin & Pins Summer

Join yoga teacher Felicity O’Dea and experienced acupuncturist Louise Norton for a releasing and restoring Summer session of mediation, yin yoga, yoga nidra, aromatherapy, moxibustion and acupuncture.

Summer represents the outward expression of energy, expansiveness, movement and activity. It is the most yang of all the seasons and is ruled by the fire. With the warm weather comes increased physical and social activity, as the fire element and energies are at their peak. Summer in TCM is the season associated with the heart (yin) and the small intestine (yang). The colour is red, the emotion joy, and it is a time for growth, expansion, light, abundance and is the manifestation of all we have been cultivating throughout the spring.

The focus on this session will therefore be on balancing/restoring the heart qi (energy). The heart sets the rhythm in life.

In our session we will be ‘smiling from the heart’. It is said to have profound physiological effects that help promote the flow of qi and blood in our bodies. The soothing and contemplative practice of Yin Yoga invites us to balance this outward focus with an inward glance. In this gentle practice, we focus on the heart and large intestine meridians that run along the chest cavity as well as along the inner and outer arms. Consider this an invitation to slow down and surrender to the joy of the present moment with an exploration of heart openers, upper back and shoulder stretches so that you can walk through life with an open heart that beams its bright light forward guiding you on your way.

You will emerge from this session feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. After the session you will be given some time to ease back into reality with the offering of a calming and soothing beverage (Choice of a Tonemade bone broth or chamomile tea) and a cooling platter of seasonal fruits.

Limited spaces available due to current restrictions so be sure to book so you don’t miss out!

*Please note unfortunately there are no refunds within 7 days available. If you are unable to make it to the class you are welcome to gift your ticket to a friend or someone who needs it. Please let us know the attendees name ASAP. If you are bringing your own equipment please let us know what you plan on bringing (Mat, bolster, blanket) and we can then plan the class accordingly.

If you are pregnant or have a health condition please let us know prior to attending.

Feel free to contact us on 0409166924/ 0409540738 if you have any questions

All Bookings to be made HERE

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SOLD OUT! YIN & PINS with Louise Norton and Fliss O'Dea
4:00 PM16:00

SOLD OUT! YIN & PINS with Louise Norton and Fliss O'Dea


Yin & Pins Summer 2021. A 2 hour session of yin yoga combined with acupressure, moxibustion and acupuncture.

About this Event

Yin & Pins Summer

Join yoga teacher Felicity O’Dea and experienced acupuncturist Louise Norton for a releasing and restoring Summer session of mediation, yin yoga, yoga nidra, aromatherapy, moxibustion and acupuncture.

Summer represents the outward expression of energy, expansiveness, movement and activity. It is the most yang of all the seasons and is ruled by the fire. With the warm weather comes increased physical and social activity, as the fire element and energies are at their peak. Summer in TCM is the season associated with the heart (yin) and the small intestine (yang). The colour is red, the emotion joy, and it is a time for growth, expansion, light, abundance and is the manifestation of all we have been cultivating throughout the spring.

The focus on this session will therefore be on balancing/restoring the heart qi (energy). The heart sets the rhythm in life.

In our session we will be ‘smiling from the heart’. It is said to have profound physiological effects that help promote the flow of qi and blood in our bodies. The soothing and contemplative practice of Yin Yoga invites us to balance this outward focus with an inward glance. In this gentle practice, we focus on the heart and large intestine meridians that run along the chest cavity as well as along the inner and outer arms. Consider this an invitation to slow down and surrender to the joy of the present moment with an exploration of heart openers, upper back and shoulder stretches so that you can walk through life with an open heart that beams its bright light forward guiding you on your way.

You will emerge from this session feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. After the session you will be given some time to ease back into reality with the offering of a calming and soothing beverage (Choice of a Tonemade bone broth or chamomile tea) and a cooling platter of seasonal fruits.

Limited spaces available due to current restrictions so be sure to book so you don’t miss out!

*Please note unfortunately there are no refunds within 7 days available. If you are unable to make it to the class you are welcome to gift your ticket to a friend or someone who needs it. Please let us know the attendees name ASAP. If you are bringing your own equipment please let us know what you plan on bringing (Mat, bolster, blanket) and we can then plan the class accordingly.

If you are pregnant or have a health condition please let us know prior to attending.

Feel free to contact us on 0409166924/ 0409540738 if you have any questions

All Bookings to be made HERE

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SOLD OUT! ANNA CUTTRISS ~ Ceramics & Yoga Workshop
11:00 AM11:00

SOLD OUT! ANNA CUTTRISS ~ Ceramics & Yoga Workshop

**This workshop has sold out. Email to join the waitlist**

Join Anna for a yoga practice and handbuilding workshop to learn the basics of working with clay and leave with at least 3-4 of your very own pieces.

Saturday 9th of January 2021
Soul Space Yoga Wonthaggi
11:00am - 2:00pm

PRICE: $90pp

No previous experience with yoga or clay required - just a love and curiosity for creating. The session will use discussion and demos to develop foundational skills for building with clay to make your choice of classic ceramics, including incense holders, palo santo and jewellery dishes, and even Vulva Incense Holders if that's up your alley!

A slow yoga flow will open the workshop building an inclusive space for gentle exploration of movement, breath and creativity.

Following the workshop, your pieces will be glazed, fired and ready to collect within around 4 weeks.

Booking with a friend? Receive a 10% discount when you book 2 or more spaces in one transaction. Use the code DOUBLETROUBLE to redeem.

The price includes:
- 45 minute yoga practice to begin to workshop
- 2 hours of handbuilding ceramics tuition, all materials and firing costs.
- Your choice of two glaze options: white or sunset.
- Small class size: learn through demos and one-on-one chats

What to bring:
- Comfortable clothes that you can move in.
- Clay friendly clothes (it washes out quite well, but don't come in your best finery)
- An open mind and an eagerness for creating
- Towel or apron (optional)

Refunds & Cancellations
Please choose carefully. Due to the limited class size once you've booked and paid I can only issue a refund if the course is cancelled. Refunds are not available if you change your mind or can no longer make it. You are encouraged to find a friend to take your place in the event that you cannot make it.

This workshop requires a minimum of 10 students to run. If the workshop doesn’t go ahead you will be issued a full refund.

Participants will be required to sign a waiver form prior to joining the yoga practice.

Your purchase is done so with acceptance of these terms.

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5:00 PM17:00



Johannes Mochayedi has been teaching yoga for the last 21 years and has been the Director of the Dance of Life Yoga studio since 2009. He has studied a variety of styles including Iyengar, Ashtanga, Hatha, Power Flow (Vinyasa) and Bikram. His versatility and experience is reflected in his ability to create inspirational and dynamic classes with solid foundation. In supporting safe practice while also challenging growth and development, Johannes focuses on attention to detail, precise alignment and effective use of the breath.
This masterclass you can expect detailed alignment, pranayama and meditation.
Open to all levels and experiences.

Bookings essential:
Sunday 3rd of January

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WOMEN'S WEAVING CIRCLE ~ with Indigenous Artist, Safina Stuart.
2:00 PM14:00

WOMEN'S WEAVING CIRCLE ~ with Indigenous Artist, Safina Stuart.


with Indigenous artist, Safina Stewart.

Bass Coast based Indigenous artist, Safina Stewart (nee Fergie), has been involved in community, corporate and private art projects for some time now. Her artwork is beautiful and widely appealing. Being both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in Indigenous heritage, Safina is able to draw from a rich heritage to create stunning and meaningful artworks. Her Indigenous heritage comes from Mabuiag Island in the Torres Strait and Wuthathi Country in Far North Queensland, and her Non-Indigenous heritage comes from Scotland. You can read more about Safina and her work here.

Come join a weaving lesson that nestles within a reflective ‘yarning circle’ for women. With guided questions, honest sharing, deep reflection and respectful listening practice, each sista will return home with their woven pendant to remind them of their journey inward & upward.

$35 per person.

Saturday the 22nd of August from 2pm until 4pm.

Bookings essential, click here to reserve your spot in this intimate workshop.

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ANNA CUTTRISS ~ Ceramics & Yoga Workshop (SOLD OUT)
11:00 AM11:00

ANNA CUTTRISS ~ Ceramics & Yoga Workshop (SOLD OUT)

This workshop has been postponed until later in the year due to Covid-19. Please watch this space for a new date later in the year.

**This workshop has sold out. Email to join the waitlist**

Join Anna for a yoga practice and handbuilding workshop to learn the basics of working with clay and leave with at least 3-4 of your very own pieces.

Saturday 3rd of October 2020
Soul Space Yoga Wonthaggi
11:00am - 2:00pm

Early Bird Price (until March 18th): $75pp
After April 1st: $90pp

No previous experience with yoga or clay required - just a love and curiosity for creating. The session will use discussion and demos to develop foundational skills for building with clay to make your choice of classic ceramics, including incense holders, palo santo and jewellery dishes, and even Vulva Incense Holders if that's up your alley!

A slow yoga flow will open the workshop building an inclusive space for gentle exploration of movement, breath and creativity.

Following the workshop, your pieces will be glazed, fired and ready to collect within around 4 weeks.

Booking with a friend? Receive a 10% discount when you book 2 or more spaces in one transaction. Use the code DOUBLETROUBLE to redeem.

The price includes:
- 45 minute yoga practice to begin to workshop
- 2 hours of handbuilding ceramics tuition, all materials and firing costs.
- Your choice of two glaze options: white or sunset.
- Small class size: learn through demos and one-on-one chats

What to bring:
- Comfortable clothes that you can move in.
- Clay friendly clothes (it washes out quite well, but don't come in your best finery)
- An open mind and an eagerness for creating
- Towel or apron (optional)

Refunds & Cancellations
Please choose carefully. Due to the limited class size once you've booked and paid I can only issue a refund if the course is cancelled. Refunds are not available if you change your mind or can no longer make it. You are encouraged to find a friend to take your place in the event that you cannot make it.

This workshop requires a minimum of 10 students to run. If the workshop doesn’t go ahead you will be issued a full refund.

Participants will be required to sign a waiver form prior to joining the yoga practice.

Your purchase is done so with acceptance of these terms.

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6:00 PM18:00


Lauren of HOLISTIC HEARTS so incredibly excited to share that now restrictions are lifting across the country, we have set a new date for my first Naked Awakening immersion at the cosy @soulspace_ and I truly believe that now, more than ever, is a perfect time for connection, courage and change...

These intimate 3 hour immersions are an invitation for women to surrender & soften, to explore their sensuality and connect to their feminine energy, and to remove the masks, labels & stories they have carried for so long as they step into vulnerability and allow themselves to be heard and seen fully as they are - imperfectly perfect; divine creation.

During this time together, you will be taken through a heart & womb meditation, partake in a supported sharing circle, experience a delicious and slow embodied movement practice, connect with our beautiful women through vulnerability exercises, experiment with sensual eating and more....

We will be launching this juicy evening on Friday the 31st of July, from 6.30-9pm. Book your place now, as there are limited spots available to ensure this is a small and intimate group!

Please enquire if you would like to register to attend future events

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Yoga Aerobics
10:30 PM22:30

Yoga Aerobics

Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec sed odio dui.

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